Zoid Jin Tours in Bhutan is one of the best tour operator in Bhutan - the only company who introduced and sent many of the Guide's and drivers for the MEDICAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINING.
Bhutan is seeing a significant rise in the number of vehicle-related and unintentional injuries, as well as increasing threats of natural disasters. But in a country with rugged and mountainous terrain, transport to the nearest health-care facility can take hours, which is critical to patient care. So in order to give the best services to our tourist and the office members who were on Hike and Trekking so we trained our Guides and drivers on First Aid Training.
Zoid Jin Tours has worked very hard to address these issues by building Bhutan’s capacity in emergency medical services. The trainees were also sensitized on different types of medicines for treatment, appropriate dosage of medicine for different kinds of injuries and proper way of cleaning wounds and so forth.
So realizing the importance of First Aid Service , we consider Zoid Jin Tour company to be the perfect tour operator in Bhutan.